Modern Day Slavery Policy

Our Commitment

Universal Outsourcing is committed to preventing modern-day slavery in all its operations and supply chains in compliance with the Australia Modern Slavery Act 2018 and the commonwealth criminal code act 1995 (the criminal code) division 270 and 271 that criminalize modern slavery and Nepal’s Labor Act, 2018. We recognize that slavery, servitude, forced labor, and human trafficking ("modern-day slavery") are unacceptable practices that violate basic human rights, and we are committed to ensuring that these practices do not occur in any part of our business. We are dedicated to conducting all of our business and relationships ethically and integrity

Our Structure

This statement covers the business activities of Universal Outsourcing Pyt Ltd registered in Australia (ABN: 98 663 901 700) and is responsible for overall governance of the entity in Nepal. Universal Outsourcing Pvt Ltd (Registration Number: 300122/079/080) in Nepal is responsible for the offshore business process outsourcing services.

Our Policy to mitigate the risk of Modern Slavery

  • Dedicated to reducing the risks and occurrences of modern slavery within our business operations and supply chains

  • Commitment to ethical and integrous conduct extends to all business relationships

  • Implemented effective systems and controls to prevent slavery from taking place in our supply chains, as stated in our Acquire Modern Slavery Policy

  • Mandate that all employees and suppliers report any instances of modern slavery that they come across

  • Zero Tolerance Policy that does not allow any violations of a particular rule or conduct, no matter how minor

  • All persons working for us or on our behalf are expected to comply with this policy

  • Prevention, detection, and reporting of modern slavery are the responsibility of all individuals working for us or under our control

  • Any breach of this policy will be met with disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal for gross misconduct

Educate and Awareness:

  • Discuss among our employees on the risks of modern slavery and our zero-tolerance policy towards it

  • Ensure that our supply chain partners, third parties, and business partners are aware of our modern slavery policy and expectations for ethical and responsible business practices